Beyond the Mustache: Supporting Men’s Health this Movember


Sure, Movember means we get some dapper gents all November long. But more importantly, we get a much-needed spotlight on aspects of men’s health that are too-often overlooked, including:

  1. Testicular cancer

  2. Prostate cancer

  3. Mental health

The bad news is that on average, men die six years earlier than women worldwide. The good news is that we know how to prevent it.

That’s why I’m so proud to support my brother’s Movember fundraising efforts. (And giving him a few test batches of our soon-to-be released ONLY Tame to keep that majestic mustache looking its best!)

Too often stigmas — especially around mental health — lead the men in our lives to suffer in silence. The Movember project gives us all the perfect opportunity to learn, discuss and support awareness efforts now and all year long, whether or not you donate money, time or your own handsome face. Let’s help keep all of our Mo Bros looking and feeling their best.




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